
The Lit Log: Adam Lawson

This is the sixth in a series called the Lit Log, where I ask people to document what and how they read. If you would like to contribute to the Lit Log, hit me up at andhertz [at] gmail.

Adam Homer Lawson is a teacher on the West Side of Chicago. He writes on his own blog Scoundrels and Vagrants and was recently published on Thought Catalog.

How many books (approximately) do you read a year: I'm a little embarrassed to say but around four. I'm more of a 'read on a whim at 3 a.m' sort of dude. But if its any constellation I read about 50 short stories a year. I like the brevity and wholeness short stories have.

How many book do you read at a time
: One, my brain is a monorail. Not the autobahn.

The last great book you read: Noon Wine by Catherine Ann Porter

Your desert island book: Hot Water Music -Charles Bukowski

The first book to change your life: Love is a Dog From Hell - Charles Bukowski. I was 16 and any reader of Bukowski knows that this collection is WAY TOO MUCH for a 16 year old to handle.

Comfort author (think like comfort food): John Cheever. His writing is so layered and darkly congenial that it sits on the pallet like a cup of tea. The pretentious kind of tea that costs too much and smells faintly on gin.

Do you ever judge a book by its cover: Absolutely. Anything with a super imposed image of a shirtless man or ciggerete smoking woman is open and ready to be judged.

Are you satisfied with your literary intake: I'm more concerned with my literary output.

Thoughts on contemporary state of literature: Where are all the literary badasses at? Dave Eggers? Johnathan Ames? Where are the dudes who start bar fights with gang members?

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